農学部 生物資源環境学科 生物資源生産科学コース 生物生産環境工学分野
  大学院生物資源環境科学府 環境農学専攻 生産環境科学教育コース

TOP 研究内容 スタッフ 学位論文   研究業績 学内限定

1) 谷口智之(2024):農業農村インフラの価値と未来を考える(1)−「多面的機能」から「他目的使用」へ−,週刊農林,2534,6-7.

2) 谷口智之(2024):農業農村インフラの価値と未来を考える(2)−農業分野以外との共存と競合,週刊農林,2539,4-5.

3) 谷口智之(2024):谷口智之, 農業農村インフラの価値と未来を考える(3)−技術発展に適応する農業農村インフラ整備ー,2543,4-5.

1) 谷口智之,河内誠志郎,宮ア旺也,凌祥之(2023):水田生産性と生き物配慮を両立する基盤整備に関する一考察,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),91(9),35-38.

2) 宮ア旺也,谷口智之,宗俊介,凌祥之(2023):農業地域の土地利用状況からみた遊水地整備の可能性,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),91(9),11-14.

3) 泊昇哉,谷口智之,凌祥之(2023):営農型太陽光発電水田における水稲生育調査 ―香川県育成品種「おいでまい」の事例―,農業農村工学会論文集,91(2),p.I_157-I_163

Yinn Mar SOE, Yoshiyuki SHINOGI and Tomoyuki TANIGUCHI, Changes in Some Paddy Soil Properties under Perforated Sheet-pipe as Subsurface Shallow Drain, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly56(1),59-66.

Tran Thi Thu Hien, Toshiki Tsubota, Tomoyuki Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Comparison of consecutive impacts of wood and rice husk gasification biochars with nitrogen fertilizer on soybean yield, Paddy and Water Environment20,303-313, DOI:10.1007/s10333-021-00875-2.

3) 谷口智之(2022):水田地域における豪雨対策と流域治水にむけた農業インフラ整備,土地改良の測量と設計,95,4-11.

1) 藤安一輝,凌祥之,有村和廣(2021):サトウキビ栽培における潮風害防止のための散水の検討,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),89(3),50-51.



Shutaro Shiraki, Aung Kyaw Thu, Yutaka Matsuno, Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2021, Simple and Two-Level Hierarchical Bayesian Approaches for Parameter Estimation with One- and Two-Layer Evapotranspiration Models of Crop Fields, Water13(24), DOI:10.3390/w13243607.

Dang Duc Viet, Toshiki Tsubota and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2020, Humidity adsorption characteristics of Moso bamboo charcoal oxidized at room temperature by HNO3, Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, DOI:10.1007/s13196-019-00251-y.

野宮岳人,今田舜介,谷口智之,金子慎一郎,大城 香,一宮睦雄(2020):淡水性シアノバクテリアスイゼンジノリ(Aphanothece sacrum)の自生地,移植地および養殖地の変遷,不知火海・球磨川流域圏学会誌,13/14(1),17-48.

Kosuke Hamada, Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Tomoyuki Taniguchi, Hidetoshi Mochizuki and Takeshi Takemura, 2020, Simulation of soil water and heat transfer under subsurface irrigation considering spatial difference in soil hydraulic properties, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 54(2), 153-162.

Anh T. Q. Nguyen, Tu A. Bui, Nga T. Mai, Hien T. Tran, Son V. Tran, Nam H. Nguyen, Toshiki Tsubota, Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Stefan Dultz and Minh N. Nguyen, 2020, Release kinetics of potassium from silica-rich fern-derived biochars, Agronomy Journal, 112(3), 1713-1725, DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20209.

5) 谷口智之,兼崎友,金子慎一郎,大城香(2020):希少生物スイゼンジノリの自生地の現状と保全に向けた取組み, B&I(バイオサイエンスとインダストリー), 78(4), 350-353.

6) 和泉晴日(2020):農業・農村関連施設を断水時に活用するための体制について, 土地改良, 310(4), 94-95.



Tran Thi Thu Hien, Tomoyuki Taniguchi, Toshiki Tsubota and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2020, Potential utilization of wood gasification biochar for sustainable soybean production in converted paddy soil, 木質炭化学会誌, 17(1), 17-26.


Tran Thi Thu Hien, Toshiki Tsubota, Tomoyuki Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2020, Enhancing soil water holding capacity and provision of a potassium source via optimization of the pyrolysis of bamboo biochar, Biochar, DOI:10.1007/s42773-020-00071-1.

Anand Mishra, Tomoyuki Taniguchi, Michael W. Hall and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2019, Effects of biochar on physico-chemical properties of soil, yield, and water use efficiency of soybean under different irrigation regimes, 木質炭化学会誌, 15(2), 44-55.

Yinn Mar Soe, Yoshiyuki Shinogi and Tomoyuki Taniguchi, 2019, Impacts of Perforated Sheet Pipe Installation on Some Paddy Soil Properties, Paddy and Water Environment, 17(2), pp. 151-164, DOI:10.1007/s10333-019-00707-4.

3) 谷口智之,今田舜介,村井隆人,凌祥之(2019):豪雨時の水田地域における農業用排水路の水位変化と溢水,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),87(6),7-10.

4) 和泉晴日,谷口智之,凌祥之(2019):農業水利施設が有する断水時生活用水供給能の評価法の検討,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),87(8),19-22.

5) Anand Mishra, Takeo Yamakawa, Tomoyuki Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2019, Comparative study on residual effects of rice husk and rice husk biochar on dry matter yield, nutrient uptakes, and agronomy efficiencies of komatsuna (/Brassica rapa L/.), 木質炭化学会誌, 16(1), 24-33.

6) 藤安一輝(2019):鹿児島県徳之島におけるサトウキビの減収要因の検討と除塩散水の効果,土地改良, 307,124-126.

Shutaro Shiraki, Aung Kyaw Thu, Yutaka Matsuno and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, 2019, Evaluation of infiltration models and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in situ infiltration tests during the dry season, Paddy and Water Environment, 17(4), pp.619-632

Mai, N.T., Nguyen, N.H., Tsubota, T., Shinogi, Y., Dultz, S., Nguyen, M.N., 2019, Fern Dicranopteris linearis-derived biochars: Adjusting surface properties by direct processing of the silica phase, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 583


Mami Shimmura, Tomoyuki Taniguchi, Ryosuke Kotatsu and Atsushi Ishii, 2018, Effect of farmers’ water management on water temperature changes in paddy area with independent irrigation and drainage canal settings, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 52(3), 241-248.

3) 今田舜介(2018):スイゼンジノリが自生する黄金川(福岡県朝倉市)を訪ねて,土地改良, 303,93-94.

4) Satyanto Krido Saptomo, Budi Indra Setiawan, Chusnul Arif, Yoshiyuki Shinogi and Jumpei Kubota, 2018, Quantification of Water Balance in Terraced Paddy Field in Northern Bali by Using Remote Monitoring, PAWEES-INWEPF international Conference Nara 2018, 390-399.


李相潤,石井敦,申文浩,谷口智之,佐藤政良(2017):水田灌漑用水利用からみた韓国の河川の流量特性,水文・水資源学会誌,30(2),pp. 102-111.

李相潤,石井敦,申文浩,谷口智之,佐藤政良(2017):韓国近代前期における河川灌漑田の利水安全度,農業農村工学会論文集,304,pp. 105-115.

3)凌祥之(2017):畑地灌漑,『地域環境水利学(渡邉紹裕,堀野治彦,中村公人 編)』,朝倉書店,pp. 50-67

4)凌祥之(2017):農業・農村における水の利用,『知っておきたい水問題(沖大幹,姜益俊 編)』,九州大学出版会,pp. 75-91

5) M. Satoh, T. El Gamal, T. Taniguchi, X. Yuan, A. Ishii and W. H. Abou El Hassan(2017) Chapter 8 Water Management in the Nile Delta, “Irrigated Agriculture in Egypt-past, present and future (M. Satoh and S. Aboulroos (Eds.))”, Springer, pp.187-224

Pratiwi, E. P. A., Toshiyuki Shinogi, 2016, Rice husk biochar application to paddy soil and its effects on soil physical properties, plant growth, and methane emission, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10333-015-0521-z

2) 谷口智之,島田実禄,氏家清和(2016):大規模災害に伴う断水時における生活用水供給施設としての農業水利施設の活用,農業農村整備政策研究,No.2,pp. 19-22.

3) M田耕佑,弓削こずえ,阿南光政,平川晃,凌祥之(2016):島尻マージ圃場における地中灌漑の節水効果の定量的評価,畑地農業,686,pp. 13-16.

1) MeththikaVithanage, Anushka Upamali Rajapaksha, Mahtab Ahmad, Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Kye Hoon Kim, Geonha Kim, and Yong Sik Ok; Biochar use, (Chapter 10), Sustainable Solid Waste Management, American Society of Civil Engineering Press, pp.25-36, 2015

2) Kosuke Hamada, Kozue Yuge, Mitsumasa Anan, Akira Hirakawa, Yoshiyuki Shinogi: Evaluation of the water saving effect of subsurface irrigation in Shimajiri Mahji soil fields, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 13 (3&4), pp. 54-59, 2015

3) 凌 祥之;バイオチャーの特徴とその利用,東アジア・東南アジアにおける農林水産業の持続的発展に資する生産基盤の環境保全と持続的開発(生物生産環境グループ),2015年3月,花書院, pp.172-189,2015

島田実禄,谷口智之,氏家清和(2015):農業幹線用水路による大規模断水時の生活用水供給,農業農村工学会誌,83(9), pp. 33-36

5) Pratiwi, E. P. A., Toshiyuki Shinogi, 2015, Rice-husk biochar potential to affect soil properties and vegetative stage of rice growth under different irrigation, International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 25(1), 110-120

1) K. Yuge, three co-authors (2014); Evaluation of the micro-scale advection effect on the soil water movement in micro-irrigated field, Irrigation Science, 32(2),

2) Oh, T.K., Y. Shinogi and B.S. Choi.(2014);Utilization of biochar impregnated with anaerobically digested slurry as slow-release fertilizer; J. Plant Nutrition & Soil Science, 177(1), 97-103

3) Hamada K., K. Yuge, M. Tanaka, M. Anan, Y. Shinogi: Evaluation of the spatial distribution of digested slurry supplied with irrigation water to an irregularly shaped rice paddy field, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8(129-132), 6421-6431, 2014, DOI: org/10.12988/ams.2014.46448

4) 弓削こずえ,濱田耕佑,阿南光政,平川 晃,凌 祥之(2014);島尻マージ圃場における地中灌漑の適用と土壌水分動態の解明,粘土科学,52(3),pp.123-128

1) Taek Keun Oh, Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Seung Joo Lee, and Bongsu Choi(2013); Utilization of biochar impregnanted with anaerobically digested slurry as slow-released fertilizer, J. Plant Nutri., Soil Scie, DOI 10.1002/jpln. 201200487

2) Taek Keun Oh, Yoshiyuki Shinogi(2013); Characteriation of the pyrolytic solid derived from used disposable diaper, Environmental Technology, (web first)

3) 丸居 篤,鹿野 翔,凌 祥之(2013);GISを用いた旧前原市における耕作放棄地とイノシシ被害との関係解析,システム農学,29(4),pp.155-160

4) Kozue Yuge, Mitsumasa Anan, & Yoshiyuki Shinogi (2013); Effects of the micro-scale advection on the soil water movement in micro-irrigated fields, Irrigation Science, 32(2), pp.159-167

5) Kozue Yuge, Hiroaki Maeda, Munehide Tanaka, Anan Mitsumasa& Yoshiyuki Shinogi (2013); Spatial-uniform application method of methane fermentation digested slurry with irrigation water in the rice paddy fields, Paddy and Water Environment, 12(3), pp.335-342

6) Sreymom Sam,& Yoshiyuki Shinogi (2013); Performance assessment of farmer water user community ; a case study in Stung Chinit irrigation system, Cambodia, Paddy and Water Environment 13(1), pp.19-27

1) Y. Shinogi, Biochar potential for Asia and the Pacific, Sustainable bioenergy in Asia, Improving resilience to high food prices and climate change, FAO, pp.98-100

2) K. Kameyama, et al., Influence of sugarcane baggase-derived biochar Application on Nitrate leaching in Calcaric dark red soil, Journal of Environmental Quality(2012), pp.1131-1137

3) Taek-Keun Oh & Bongsu Choi & Yoshiyuki Shinogi & Jiro Chikushi (2012), Effect of pH Conditions on Actual and Apparent Fluoride Adsorption by Biochar in Aqueous Phase,Water Air Soil Pollut, 223, pp.3729-3738

4) K. Yuge, et al., Evaluation of the micro-scale advection effect on the soil water movement in micro-irrigated field, Irrigation Science, Under printing

5) Kozue Yuge, Keiki Shigematsu, Shinogi Yoshiyuki: Effect of crop root on soil water retentivity and movement, American Journal of Plant Sciences, vol.3, 12A, 1782-1787

6) Kameyama Koji, Miyamoto Teruhito, Takahiro Shiono, Shinogi Yoshiyuki: Influence of sugarcane bagasse-derived biochar application on nitrate leaching in calcaric dark red soil, ASA, Journal of Environmental Quality,41, 1131- 1137

1) 弓削こずえ 他, 風速および土壌水分状態の変化が畑地における土壌飛散量に及ぼす影響評価,畑地農業,pp.2-6

2) Oh Taek-Keun, Choi Bong-su, Shinogi Yoshiyuki, Chikushi Jiro, Lee Yong-Hwan, Evaluation of biochar as a soil amendment: Investigation of seedling bioassays, 2nd Asia Pacific Biochar Conference (APBC Kyoto 2011), pp. 48 (2011), Abstract only.

1) Yan Chen, Yoshiyuki Shinogi and Masahiko Taira, 2010, Influence of biochar use on sugarcane growth, soil parameters, and groundwater quality,   Australian Journal of Soil Research,48(7), pp.526-530

2) Koji Kameyama et al., Estimation of net carbon sequestration potential with farmland application of bagasse charcoal:   life cycle inventory analysis through a pilot sugarcane bagasse carbonization plant, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48(7), pp.586-592

3) 陳 嫣,凌 祥之(2010), バイオエタノール・留残渣液の農業利用について−土壌環境およびトマト・ダイコンの生育・品質に与える影響−,農業農村工学会論文集,第265号・Cpp.1-7

4) Steven R. McGreevy and Akira Shibata, 2010, A Rural Revitalization Scheme in Japan Utilizing Biochar and Eco-Branding,The Carbon Minus Project,   Kameoka City, Annals of Environmental Science, 4.

1) 2015年度土壌物理学会大会優秀ポスター賞,濱田耕佑,「地中灌漑における土壌水分分布と消費水量の評価」,2015.10

2) 2017年度農業農村工学会大会講演会優秀ポスター賞,新村麻実,谷口智之,石井敦,「用水路壁面温度が用水路水温に与える影響」,2017.8

3) 平成29年度九州大学生物資源環境科学府賞,濱田耕佑,2018.3

4) 2019年度農業農村工学会大会講演会ポスター奨励賞,和泉晴日,谷口智之,凌祥之,「住民避難と小規模農業水路分布を考慮した農業水利施設の生活用水供給効果」, 2019.9

5) 2021年度農業農村工学賞優秀報文賞,西小野康平,谷口智之,凌祥之,「水田地域が有する雨水貯留機能による豪雨対策」, 2021.8

6) 2022年度農業農村工学賞優秀報文賞,岩垣浩志,谷口智之,持永亮,凌祥之,「田んぼダム流水型落水量調整板の流出抑制効果の評価」, 2022.8

7) 2022年度農業農村工学賞優秀技術賞,谷口智之,河野 幸正,岡崎 恭知,凌祥之,「簡易なため池水収支モデルによる渇水・豪雨リスクの地域性評価」, 2022.8

8) 2022年度農業農村工学賞優秀技術リポート賞,藤安一輝,凌祥之,有村和廣,「サトウキビ栽培における潮風害防止のための散水の検討」, 2022.8

9) The Article of the Year Award of Biochar in 2021, Tran Thi Thu Hien, Toshiki Tsubota, Tomoyuki Taniguchi and Yoshiyuki Shinogi, "Enhancing soil water holding capacity and provision of a potassium source via optimization of the pyrolysis of bamboo biochar", 2022.11



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